Smart Treatment - Laser Acupuncture Pain Management
時尚的療法 - 雷射針灸的疼痛治療
Laser acupuncture is a procedure that stimulates acupoints using laser light.
Traditional acupuncture utilises needles; however, laser acupuncture achieves the same effects through laser wavelengths.
Traditional acupuncture will not attract those who are needle-phobic. Laser acupuncture is a painless treatment, which is a better option.
The laser light penetrates the skin to improve blood circulation and activates the body’s natural healing power. Since this treatment is non-invasive so it reduces the risk of bleeding and infection.
Compared to the time of traditional acupuncture (20-30 mins), the time of laser acupuncture is much less (a few seconds for each acupoint). Besides, the laser acupuncture tip is reusable and the practitioner could clean it easily. It is a targeted treatment and it is more precise.
Laser acupuncture is effective in treating chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, stress & anxiety, hay fever, etc. Dr John has a special interest in laser acupuncture pain management. He wants his patient to know more about “Endorphins”:
The role of Endorphins in our body are natural painkillers. Laser acupuncture promotes the release of endorphins, which could alleviate pain.
傳統針灸使用針頭; 然而雷射針灸透過雷射波長達到相同的效果。
傳統針灸並不吸引那些害怕針的人。 雷射針灸是一種較爲無痛治療,是更好的選擇。
與傳統針灸的時間(20-30分鐘)相比,雷射針灸的時間要少得多(每個穴位幾秒鐘)。 此外,雷射針灸頭可重複使用,操作者可以輕鬆清潔。這是針對性的治療,所以比較精準。
約翰醫師對雷射針灸疼痛治療特別感興趣。 他希望他的病人多認識「內啡肽」:內啡肽在我們體內的作用是天然止痛藥。 雷射針灸可促進內啡肽的釋放,進而減輕疼痛。 希望以上解釋對您有幫助。
- Stimulates acupoints using laser light/以雷射刺激穴位的療程
- Non-invasive treatment/非侵入性的治療
- Release of endorphins (natural pain killer )/ 釋放內啡肽(天然止痛藥)
- Improve blood circulation/改善血液循環
- Activate natural healing power/激活自癒能力
- Less time treatment & cleaner procedure/療程時間較少,操作過程更清潔
- (Compared to traditional method)/(較之傳統針灸)
- Good news for the needle-phobic! /“害怕針頭”者之福音 !
- More and more popular in Australia/ 在澳洲越來越受歡迎
- Medicare rebate available./ 健保給付部分費用
- Innumerable Melbourne patients benefit from Dr Tseng’s pain management/無數墨爾本患者受益於曾醫師的疼痛治療(雷射針灸)